Monday, March 24, 2008

Personally speaking..

Work for me is personal!! I give 3/4th of my day to work, beginning from getting up in the morning, preparing lunch, fighting the morning traffic to get to the office at 9.00am sharp. I slog throughout the day, tolerate my boss, bear chauvinism, survive politics, smile at people I dislike and ignore lewd stares and comments...

Once home (virtually after 10-11 hours at office), my preparation for the next day begins from buying vegetables/grocery on my way home to cooking as soon as I get back so that I can call it a night early on. I hardly go out with friends on weekdays and even get nightmares about things going wrong at work.

I feel helpless seeing a vendor in a bad shape and being rude when I ignore these zillion phone calls for I don’t have answers to the questions like when they can receive the next order so that they can re-open their factories. I get traumatized by their problems, carry work tensions into my personal life.. My day at work usually dictates the way I talk to my parents, siblings and friends and yet I am asked to believe in the phrase : “Its not personal, its business!!”

Can I??


Occasional Brilliance said...

i know its very difficult at times but you have to try and stick to the boundaries between personal and professional, i guess... its a hard balance especially when you spend so much of time and effort on this area of your life... hang in there...

Sunil said...

Hi there,
The key I follow in such times is:
Life is all about differentiating between what is important & what is urgent.
Say you are at home on holi & your boss calls you for an urgent meeting. then you got to learn to say NO to him because for you your family is important & the work is urgent.

I don't know whether i've made my point or not. But I wish that things get better at your end.

Have a nice time. :)

Sangfroid said...

oops ...

'Work is Worship' ... u seem to be living by it. This and the last post give an indication that you are going through a lean patch.

Believe me, all those preachings about personal/professional life segregation are kind of bullshit because each bear consequences on the other.

"Personally speaking.." yours truly tries hard to not mix these two but there are occasions when it cannot be helped.

To answer your 'Can I', I would say -'Why not?' I assume it's going to be difficult but also that u can do it :-)

[ Got me thinking and hence the above ]
Cheer up!!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Life pretty much revolves around work work and work.

Perhaps today will be a better day.

~ ॐ ~ said...

a bit yet....

all the best...

Anonymous said...

it would be better said than done story

but there is a lot of negativity surrounding you, try to find happiness [even if for 30 minutes a day] and make it a ritual

i guess u just need to discuss it with someone who would understand you and find a way so that you laugh everyday before going to bed or in the evening

the first thing you can do is buy calvin and hobbes collection :D

mad hatter said...
i think u need to keep checking this link....
it will give u options on wht can be...and change things around.. :)

Sam said...

Bubbles, I know, thaks sweetie..

Sunil, Know what, I "was" working on Holi, was on a tour!!

Sangfroid, Gosh, somebody agrees to the fact that the two are inseperable, atleast to an extent.. Will give it a shot nontheless..thanks!!

J, It was alright..thanks!!

Om, Hmm..thanks..

Burf, Bullseye!! and your advice has been taken seriously, very very seriously!! Btw, I already own the series..

Madhatter, You are the best!!

Anonymous said...

you have the complete series :O

[on the knees with folded hands in the praying position] lend it to me please lend it to me

Sam said...

Hahhaa..sure, just let me know when.. :)

Anonymous said...

my life revolves around work as well so i try to make work as much fun as i can! which doesn't always work.. so thats the time to go on short 3-4 day break! go home and don't do a thing :) well... my 2 paise.

Sam said...

Dailyrium, I did precisely that!! :D