Monday, August 27, 2007


On my last visit to home, I was forced by my mother to clean the drawers and cabinets of my study table. It’s a task I hate doing not because I am lazy or messy but because those cabinets are filled with memories that are at times a little painful to relive… Here’s what I found:

- Tons of cards and letters.
- Photographs of visit to the South on my school trip.
- Chocolate covers, loads of them!!
- Dried flowers.
- My slam books.
- Old journals.
- Friendship bands.
- Old test tubes!!
- All sorts of colour mediums- pencils, crayons, oil pastels, sketch pens, spray colours, markers…
- Old art files.
- More chocolate wrappings…
- “Love is...” clippings from newspapers, neatly stacked in an envelope…
- A (unused) diaper and a feeding bottle.
- Scribbled notes and doodles.
- My favorite poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth given to me by Ap during college.
- Chewed old pens and pencils.
- Old gift-wrappings.
- Old birthday pictures.
- Clippings of graphics and layouts that interested me back then…
- A copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.
- A pendant.
- Memories…

Rummaging through my cabinets took me down the memory lane and I relived almost a decade, cherished a thousand moments and appreciated all that I had in life: my friends, all those happy and sad times… Am so nostalgic!!

P.S: My cabinets still remain in that state of total chaos.. ;)


Impressionist said...

I dont usually keep anything in my Drawer or cabinets!
cuz I sell all my old books! ;) and most of the times its empty! :D
Of cous I used to keep a lotta CDs there! ;) I cant really tell what CDs I used to keep there, here! :D
but that was back then when i was in 11th! now its empty!

**A (unused) diaper and a feeding bottle.
- Chewed old pens and pencils.

I'm wondering why do u have those in ur room!? :>

peace & love

ani said...

awwww..... i so knw the feeling! ~hugs!

but the question remains: unsused diapers and a feeding bottle??!! ~bemused!

Anonymous said...

aww! point no. 15..I like!!

Sam said...

@rajeev: - I don't believe in wasting space, even the smallest of storage spaces are occupied!! and I NEVER throw old books, love my collection..

@rajeev/ani- Diaper and feeding bottle: No wrong ideas people, that was my friends' idea of an ideal B'day gift way back in standard 10th, obviously couldn't throw a gift away!! :)

@aparna: Me too.. :)

Sam said...

@rajeev: Well, I have this habit of chewing the end of pens/pencils while am thinking/ studying/ pretending to study/ concentrating/ hungry and then chucking them in the nearest rack, hence!! ;)

Anonymous said...

a lil junk-yard u got there!
n d diapers definitely needed an explanation :-)

btw, chewing plastic ain't gud for health and lead is toxic ... :-D

Sam said...

@sangfroid: Point taken!! No use!! ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm ... incorrigible pencil-chewer! :-)

Sam said...

@sangfroid: Thats what I am!! I don't chew, I can't think!! ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm ... food err pencil for thought :-D

Sam said...

@sangfroid: Rito!! ;)

Akanksha said...

Hopped here from rajeev's blog.
I can relate to u soo much on the cabinets thing...its the same with me..i avoid looking into that cabinet as far as possible for the fear of those memories bringing a tear or too...and once i overcome the syndrome and finally open it up...hours pass by and nostalgia seems to envelope me from every side...most of the things u mention are there in my cabinet too!!! except the diaper and feeding bottle;-) nice blog!!!

Akanksha said...

Hopped here from rajeev's blog.
I can relate to u soo much on the cabinets thing...its the same with me..i avoid looking into that cabinet as far as possible for the fear of those memories bringing a tear or too...and once i overcome the syndrome and finally open it up...hours pass by and nostalgia seems to envelope me from every side...most of the things u mention are there in my cabinet too!!! except the diaper and feeding bottle;-) nice blog!!!

Impressionist said...

loL! okie! :D
I was thinking of something else when I read diaper and feeding bottles! *wink wink*
hehe! thanx for the reply! :P
I usually pretend that Im studying, but dont chew on pens! :D I used to chew upon pencils when i was in 2nd grade! :D

peace & love

Sam said...

@akanksha: Thanks!! ;)

@rajeev: Yeh, I can pretty much guess the kind of crazy ideas one can get outta them.. ;)
N great that you overcame that chewing habit of yours, am still on it!! ;)

Akanksha said...

blogrolled u!!!:-)

shadows and clouds said...

hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your very lovely words! i totally understand your desk-tidying feelings! when i visited my mum in the uk last month i did a huge partial bedroom clear-out, it lasted many days and was sooooo ...weird, but nice in the end, and made me feel lighter as a result! pity i still have to finish it off next time i visit! i'm rambling, sorry! have a good day, and thanks again :)