Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Of questions,answers and confusions too...

Yesterday after the shoeline presentation, which surprisingly went pretty well, we attended this seminar called “How to gain Self Confidence- Amazing Secrets to boost your Confidence” by an outside speaker Mr. Rajiv Mathur.

He began the session with a prayer and requested us all to close our eyes and kind of meditate (which by the way I didn’t do). Being primarily a session aimed at motivating marketing personnel, the talk revolved around those areas. The topics mainly discussed were Self Growth, Positive thinking and Risk Taking and having heard the same for a zillion times and not belonging to the marketing division, the discussion failed to impress me much. However, being the only female in a crowd of forty did not give me that privilege of not concentrating as the speaker’s and my bosses eyes often sought mine amidst any discussion.

Although I give due credit to the presenter, the session was a drag. One of a very senior person in my office and few of the people I actually respect, Mr. Anant Ranjan’s contribution was however impossible to ignore. Two of the things he said were:

- While discussing why our company was not performing as well in contrast to others, inspite of having the biggest infrastructure, distribution and networking in India, Mr. Ranjan said “ours is like Gulliver (from Gulliver’s Travels) and these small firms have tied us down. Now its upto us to realize our strengths, break those shackles and rise again.” Funnily enough I quite liked the comparison and remember it in that state of semi consciousness.

- Another input by him while discussing how to bring out that hidden potential in an employee was “a job either brings out the BEST or the BEAST in you, the difference is just of an ‘A’”.

I thankfully left the conference mid-way inspite of his superb comments but there are a few things that I gathered from it. I understood that though I did like what Mr. Ranjan said but at times you cannot figure out why. Am in process of finding that answer for myself…


Adicrazy said...

Same pinch*pinches softly* I nvr close my eyes in such things too! hehehe...
This thing must have been fun, no?
Ah, things like this BEAT and BEAT one...and Impossible is I-M-Possible are so mush overdone. They are correct though but I kinda get irritated of 'em now. Maybe I'm getting old. ugh.

LMAO...U left this in between? wowie. Did u stare back at the people staring at you while getting up n going? I love it. lolzz

Nice post as always!!

Adicrazy said...

grrrr....what I meant was "BEAST" and "BEST"

Sam said...

Adi, I just gotta tell you this since we share similar tastes in men, this Mr. Ranjan is a what you call a dude!! I know what he said is probably overdone but you gotta hear the way he speaks and that power of his voice that makes the content appear different!! ;)
Nope, no eyes did actually follow me, I left while the tea break was on.. ;)

Adicrazy said...

Sam, can you see the angry look on my face? aww...I want to go to his seminar too!! Take me along next time, promise?

(errr....did that sound too desperate a request? Well, who cares!! lolzzz)

Sam said...

Lols...I wish I could but it was an official thing!! Would have been fun to admire the man together.. ;) And you dint sound desperate at all, its just that old, good looking men are rare!! ;)

Adicrazy said...

U Bet! ;)

Anonymous said...

you should have closed your eyes and meditated :-P

and are you with or without the 'A' :-)

Sam said...

Adi, :)

Sangfroid, why should I have closed my eyes when it was fun watching others struggling not to open their eyes.. ;)
In my previous jobs I was without one but this ones definately bringing out the worse in me!! :(

ani said...

hey! i know this took longer than i promised... i'm sooo sorry!

Here's a link that's the legal doc on sexual harrassment at the workplace:

And, any and every workplace now needs to have a something in place to address these issues and the issues are to be dealt as a matter of policy by utmost discretion and identity of the person needs to be kept confidential (as in the aggrieved). Infy has sumthn called AASHI and IBM calls it POS (prevention of sexual harrasment).

luv ya babes! have been a lil occupied! will visit again soon! :))

ani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ani said...


just add pdf at the end of the dot.

Sam said...

Ani, Hey you are back!! :) Its sooooo nice to see you here and thanks for all the information though I don't think I'd need it anymore, have mastered the art of giving those VERY VERY dirty looks!! ;)

ani said...

:) keep up the looks!!

(but babes if it does happen a bit too often u need to think abt it!)

Sam said...

Ani, Thanks!! Don't worry, I know whom to come for advice if anyone even tries to pester me!! ;)

Anonymous said...

i so hate the self help books/lectures. i can only wonder how these people make money by stating the obvious!

Sam said...

Sreejith, Ditto!! I loathe them but the bottom line is, people are stupid enough to pay for the obvious!! ;)