Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A random discussion, a funny discovery..

This conversation with a male friend of mine began with the usual topic: girls!! He was telling me how these nice, intelligent females were all taken by the so called “studds”, forcing me to bully him saying that why didn’t he get one then… he was in a confessional mood and admitted that these dudes were a class apart. Basically they were par excellence at everything: academically, socially, sports, theatre, you just had to name it.

My comment that such people, through extremely intelligent often saw professional failures made me realize a thing or two in the due course. Reasoning began: the logic behind the theory was that such people, wherever they went, found the work, the place and the people below their standards (no fault of theirs!!). Being of a much higher I.Q, the scope of learning and growth were limited compared to us mere mortals who struggle each day even for the completion of the smallest tasks and felt great sense of achievement when our boss appreciates it.

This friend contributed too. He told me that with him in IIT, there was this guy, an all India JEE high ranker, in short BRILLIANT!! Post college, he appeared for CATs and the only preparation done by him was to fill his form. Success again: he got through all the IIMs and chose Bangalore. This gentleman then interned at one of the most reputable finance firms in the world and was given a job offer; he declined it and joined a consultancy firm only to quit in the coming four months. The dude has been sitting idle for past year and a half!!

For the first time in my life I realize that I’m blessed with lesser I.Q. At times, it takes ages for me to understand things, I goof up, make a zillion mistakes and ask even more questions but I work hard and learn and appreciate a day well gone after that tiny pat on my back from my boss…


Pointblank said...

Interesing post1 and u have anice blog up there!

Anonymous said...

maybe sometimes sour grapes are good :D

Anonymous said...

It's better to be a dumbass than a smartass!!

upecmustang said...

naaah...tis better to be a smart dumbass than a dumb smartass :-D
seriously...if that IIT loon cudnt get a job his wrth...he aint wrth bein that smart...
can god lend me his brains? i need em moe than he does!!

Sam said...

Pointblank, Thanks!! :)

Sreejith, Lol, couldn't agree more!! ;)

J, Well..not "dumb" please!! ;)

Upecmustang, Lol, the key to success is to utilise yours own properly, you never know how crappy the other ones is.. ;)

Pointblank said...

hey... I wud like to blogroll u. hope u wudn mind :)

Anonymous said...

Age is catching up with you?? :O You ain't 52 to say that. The best time to party... is now. That's the new mantra.

Sangfroid said...

know what ... a tiny pat of appreciation on the back makes even eggheads happy but they dare express it. On the other head, morons would jump with joy in such a situation. (Two extremes)

It is only mere mortals (if i may say so) who seem to strike the right balance!!

Sangfroid said...

btw, i agree with j :-P

Sam said...

Pointblank, The pleasure is all mine!! :)

J, That was a "joke"!! I love having a good time and would even when I AM 52!! ;)

Sangfroid, I would like to believe that I fall into the "mere mortal" category.. :)

Anonymous said...

Oppps :P

My bad!!

Sam said...

J, No problems!! ;)

Impressionist said...

u said it all! :D
we're in the same category! :D hehe!
btw im done with my exams! )
doin posts again!

peace & love

Sam said...

Hey, welcome back dude!! Will see you around.. :)

busy-writer said...

lol, i agree wid upecmustang! :D
maybe the both of us cud share his brains. lol. tht shld suffice! :D

Anonymous said...

It's been quite sam-time since your last post... updates???

ani said...

i so agree with upecmustang! :)))

no more words!

'cept - back to blogging babes!

Anonymous said...

You are tagged. Please do take it up whenever you get samtime :P

Thank you!

Skinsleuth said...

I'm like u. :-D

Sam said...

Busywriter, ;)

J, Will do..have been tied up with work, hence!! :)and taht "samtime" bit is cute..thanks.. ;)

Ani, Welcome back sweetie.. :) and STAY!!

Shraddha, Yay!! :)

Mythreya said...

umm...well..i am nt sure...
there r thousands of IITians and IIM grads who r ruling the world rite nw..
jus one guy..

and u didnt give d exact reason why is he sitting idle??

Shruti said...

aah.. that kind of logical thinking is good.. sounds right too. Now I know why the brilliant ones are never happy. Nothing like a feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day, na?

Sam said...

Matty, I know, its only this one guy I came along..And now idea why he's sitting idle but the fact remains!!

Shruti,Yep, couldn't agree more..